Post aus Łódź und Sofia

Per E-mail be­rich­ten un­se­re dies­jäh­ri­gen Sti­pen­dia­ten Ra­lit­sa Ra­li­no­va (Bul­ga­ri­en) und Jan Szur­got (Po­len) über ih­ren Bay­reuth-Auf­ent­halt. Ra­lit­sa schreibt:

It was an ama­zing ex­pe­ri­ence! We saw „Der flie­gen­de Hol­län­der“, „Die Wal­kü­re“ and „Lo­hen­grin“. I am re­al­ly im­pres­sed by the choir and the or­ches­tra. My opi­ni­on is that the so­loists in „Der flie­gen­de Hol­län­der“ was the best! I lik­ed very much „The Ride of the Val­ky­ries“ from act 3, the sin­gers were ama­zing! So strong and sta­ble! In „Lo­hen­grin“ I just fell in love with the over­tu­re, so pure and beau­tiful mu­sic! And of cour­se the choir was in­cre­di­ble! I am also im­pres­sed by the acou­stic in the hall! It was re­al­ly in­te­res­t­ing for me to know de­tails about the crea­ti­on of this ama­zing thea­ter. We met gre­at peo­p­le from Rus­sia, Ger­ma­ny, Ita­ly … and we spent a won­derful time in Bay­reuth! Nice gree­tings from sun­ny Sofia,Ralitsa.

Jan Szur­got be­rich­tet eben­falls be­geis­tert, übt aber auch Kritik:

I saw (exact­ly like Ra­lit­sa) „Der Flie­gen­de Hol­län­der“, „Die Wal­kü­re“ and „Lo­hen­grin“. 🙂 The best for me was „Lo­hen­grin“. I don’t know why. May­be it’s be­cau­se of te­nor? He was ama­zing for me but I he­ared from the other peo­p­le that his voice was not good for this ope­ra. They said that he should sound bet­ter in Mo­zart. May­be they’­re right but it was so­me­thing dif­fe­rent in his voice and that’s why ever­yo­ne will re­mem­ber this per­for­mance. I have to say that I was re­al­ly im­pres­sed by choir! In every ope­ra when choir were on stage it was ama­zing mo­ment. They have sang very in tune and every mo­ve­ment was pas­sio­na­te­ly. It did­n’t mat­ter if so­meone was in the back or in front. It was per­fect for me. I am also im­pres­sed by the acou­stic in the hall! In every place in thea­ter it was the same. Per­fect acou­stic! But seats were re­al­ly un­com­for­ta­ble ;)) It was very nice time for me. I met so many in­te­res­t­ing peo­p­le and I re­g­ret that I don’t know Ger­man en­ough to speak. I should also no­ti­ce that I was up­set that our apart­ment was so far away from the city cen­ter and we did­n’t have break­fast in the same buil­ding but we had to go so far. Wi­t­hout car it was re­al­ly an­noy­ing and ti­ring but for­t­u­na­te­ly it did­n’t ch­an­ge my opi­ni­on of this fes­ti­val. It was ama­zing and unfor­gettable! :)) Love­ly gree­tings, Jan (Łódź)